Colop Flash EOS 110 – Was möchten Sie bestellen: Stempel, Textplatte oder Kissen?

Housing colour
Text color:
Size of the stamp 100×47 mm Number of lines 7–9 Lines
Price List price: CHF 145.65
20% Discount: CHF 116.55 inkl. MwSt.

Available housing colours for the Colop Flash EOS 110

Colop Flash EOS 110 Is available in the following housing colours: schwarz

Available impression colours for the Colop Flash EOS 110

Colop Flash EOS 110 Is available in the following colours: schwarz, rot, blau, grün, violett, gold oder orange

Fields of application for the Colop Flash EOS 110

Kontierungsstempel ohne Datum, Logostempel oder QR-Code-Stempel
Only the text plate is not available for Colop-EOS.
Spare cushions are not available for Colop-EOS. However, Colop EOS stamps can be refilled with ink. You will find the right ink in the stamping inks.
Click below to Colop Flash EOS 110 select the template that is closest to your desired stamp. In the online editor, you can then customize the text and change the font size and style. You can also upload an additional graphic. Afterwards you can Colop Flash EOS 110 order it. Nothing suitable? We would be happy to create a template for you. Write to our customer service.
Order stamps online

Select this option if you have a finished graphic file or if you want to use the template Colop Flash EOS 110 in Word, Excel or PowerPoint. You can upload the following formats: EPS, PDF, PSD, DOC, XLS, PPT We also provide files in the correct format 100×47 mm for the Colop Flash EOS 110 most common programs. You can download them, edit them on your computer and then upload them again in the next step.

Colop Flash EOS 110 – With upload of a file
Order stamps online

We take care of everything: We will gladly design an individual rechteckige template in the size from 100×47 mm to Colop Flash EOS 110 for you. Just send us what you have: Text – Logo – Image – a document – Possibly a photo of the imprint of the old stamp. Our customer service will then take care of the rest. You will receive a design suggestion for the Colop Flash EOS 110. Only when you give your OK, we produce the Colop Flash EOS 110.

Colop Flash EOS 110 – With full service
Order stamps online


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Order stamps online

Account assignment stamps without date – 2 Examples of orders

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The perfect wave! This and many other motifs are freely available for stamp design.

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Especially with complex stamp sets like this model it is of great advantage if the template is preserved and available for a new order.

Logo stamps – 3 Examples of orders

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The tension that arises between the two fundamentally different fonts used makes this simple address stamp something very special.
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Compact and clear: This incoming goods stamp was designed completely with our online editor.

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A print that makes an impression! This company stamp contains all necessary information. The logo makes it stand out and remains in the memory.

Wedding stamps – 1 Examples of orders

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A stamp with integrated date is very practical for the control of goods and hygiene.