Colop Printer 60 – Was möchten Sie bestellen: Stempel, Textplatte oder Kissen?

Housing colour
Text color:
Size of the stamp 75×38 mm Number of lines 5–7 Lines
Price List price: CHF 98.90
20% Discount: CHF 79.15 inkl. MwSt.

The following stamps have the same size:

Available housing colours for the Colop Printer 60

Colop Printer 60 Is available in the following housing colours: rot, blau-schwarz, schwarz, gelb, grün-schwarz, weiss oder schwarz-weiss

Available impression colours for the Colop Printer 60

Colop Printer 60 Is available in the following colours: schwarz, rot, blau, grün oder violett

Fields of application for the Colop Printer 60

Adressstempel ohne Rahmen, Bürostempel, Kontierungsstempel ohne Datum, Adressstempel mit Rahmen, Unterschrift-Stempel, QR-Code-Stempel oder Logostempel
Size of the stamp 75×38 mm Number of lines 5–7 Lines
Price List price: CHF 71.60
20% Discount: CHF 57.30 inkl. MwSt.
New text plate for Colop Printer 60 Incl. new replacement cushion for clean impression
Text color:
Price CHF 11.35 inkl. MwSt.
Colop Ink Pad E/60: ---

Select this option if you have a finished graphic file or if you want to use the template Colop Printer 60 in Word, Excel or PowerPoint. You can upload the following formats: EPS, PDF, PSD, DOC, XLS, PPT We also provide files in the correct format 75×38 mm for the Colop Printer 60 most common programs. You can download them, edit them on your computer and then upload them again in the next step.

Colop Printer 60 – With upload of a file
Order stamps online

We take care of everything: We will gladly design an individual rechteckige template in the size from 75×38 mm to Colop Printer 60 for you. Just send us what you have: Text – Logo – Image – a document – Possibly a photo of the imprint of the old stamp. Our customer service will then take care of the rest. You will receive a design suggestion for the Colop Printer 60. Only when you give your OK, we produce the Colop Printer 60.

Colop Printer 60 – With full service
Order stamps online


under construction
Order stamps online

Account assignment stamps without date – 3 Examples of orders

kontierungsstempel-ohne-datum-371751.jpg 371751

We agree with the customer: we love paper! especially when it is decorated with such beautiful stamp impressions.

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An own design, which was made offline and then uploaded as PDF to our website: Nice example of a large address stamp.

adressstempel-ohne-rahmen-347864.jpg 347864

This business customer has uploaded a finished design as PDF. Thus stamps are possible which perfectly reproduce the existing logo of the company.

Address stamps with frame – 1 Examples of orders

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We congratulate on the successful diving stamp! Here we used our own logo, and completed the design with our roundset generator.

Address stamps without frame – 3 Examples of orders

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For a lasting impression: an expressive stamp with logo above the address. We congratulate on the successful design!

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Even if your booking stamp is complicated, almost anything is possible with us!

Graphic stamps – 1 Examples of orders

adressstempel-mit-rahmen-368378.jpg 368378

Here, the family is at the centre! The stamp impression reminds a bit of one of the artistic silhouettes. The customer uploaded the finished design and created her stamp template from it.

Logo stamps – 3 Examples of orders

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This stamp design is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression! Very successful combination with the own logo above the address.

adressstempel-ohne-rahmen-334380.jpg 334380

A print that makes an impression! This company stamp contains all necessary information. The logo makes it stand out and remains in the memory.

QR code stamps – 1 Examples of orders

Round Stamps – 2 Examples of orders